Colombia Familia Macias is a Washed Process microlot coffee produced by the Macias Family. The Macias Family, Ferney, Nelson, and their mother Alicia, are passionate about coffee and family. Their farm, located in the municipality of El Pital, in the Santa Rosa village, has about 20 hectares of coffee planted, which the brothers manage to obtain exceptional quality beans. Ferney not only works on his farm, but he is also a highly involved producer in the operations of COOCENTRAL, of which he has been a member for nearly 20 years.
COOCENTRAL is a large, well-organized cooperative that buys over 10.2 million kilograms of parchment coffee from 3,783 members throughout the department of Huila, Colombia. They provide training and technical assistance for members, both in person and through a magazine published by the cooperative that provides market information and technical tips. The cooperative manages a wide portfolio of certifications, including fair trade, UTZ, and Rainforest Alliance.
COOCENTRAL’s motto is “Una gran familia al servicio del caficultor, comprometida con el desarrollo de la regio?n,” which means: “A big family serving coffee producers and dedicated to the development of the region.”
This is an approachable single-origin coffee that exemplifies the consistent quality of coffee that has made Colombia so notorious in the coffee world. The lot is a combination of three varieties: Colombia, Caturra, and Castillo. This is a coffee that can be enjoyed any time of day. We taste notes of Brownie, Green Apple, and Herbal Tea.
Colombia Familia MaciasFrom $19.00
Kalita Wave Filters$13.00
Kalita Wave 185 Coffee Brewer$40.00