Chemex Coffee Brewing Guide


This brew method was designed by German Chemist, Peter J. Schlumbohm, in 1941. It was once considered to be “one of the best-designed products of modern times”, and is included in a collection at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City. Chemex filters are 20-30% heavier than other filters so they retain more of the suspended oils during the brewing process and solids cannot pass through the filter. Brew characteristics: Medium body, clean cup and clarity of flavors.

What you need for this brew

Frothy Monkey Chemex Standards

  • Dose = 40g coffee
  • Bloom = 80g water for 45 seconds
  • Final water weight = 680 g
  • Pour time = 3:30 min
  • Brew time (total time) = 5-6 min
  • Coffee to water ratio = 1:17
  • Grind = Medium – Coarse grind, grind should be coarser than drip brewer but finer than French press.

Step By Step Chemex Preparation

STEP 1 • Weigh out ~40 g of your favorite coffee and grind about the size of coarse sea salt.

STEP 2 • Place the filter in the Chemex and make sure the three-layered side of the filter is towards the spout to prevent the filter from being sucked into the spout. Heat Chemex and filter by pouring hot water through them both; this will also help reduce the flavor imparted by the paper.

STEP 3 • Pour the water out of the back of the Chemex, while leaving the filter in place.

STEP 4 • Fill up a gooseneck kettle with 195-205 degree water (wait 30 seconds after boiling).

STEP 5 • Place Chemex with the filter on scale and zero. Add exactly 40 g of freshly ground coffee to the filter and level. Zero scale again.

STEP 6 • Start the timer and pour ~80 g of water over the coffee, being sure to wet ALL the grounds. Allow the coffee to sit until the timer reaches 45 seconds before adding more water; we call this “the bloom” or “de-gassing” and it is when the coffee is releasing gasses trapped in the grounds.

STEP 7 • At 45 seconds add 150 g of water by slowly pouring water over the coffee in small circles moving around the coffee bed but avoiding the edges of the filter. Use a spoon to stir the grounds and water to ensure all grounds are wet.

STEP 8 • Pour another 150g of water at 1:30, 2:30, and 3:30 finishing at exactly 680g.

STEP 9 • Swirl the Chemex to help create a flat, even bed.

STEP 10 • Allow the coffee to continue to drip until all of the coffee has drained. (this should happen at 5-6 minutes).

STEP 11 • Remove filter and grounds, swirl your Chemex, and pour into your favorite coffee mug.

Chemex Brewing Equipment Available on Our Online Store